Development of Debian Member Portfolio Service ============================================== The Debian Member Portfolio Service is implemented in `Python 3 `_ using the `Flask `_ web application framework. The following sections describe how to setup a local development environment for the Debian Member Portfolio Service. All instructions assume that you work on a Debian system. You should use Python 3 for development. Setup of a local development ---------------------------- To start working on the source code you need to have `git`_ installed:: sudo aptitude install git .. _git: The canonical git repository for the Debian Member Portfolio Service is available at To get a clone of the source code you change to a directory of your choice and invoke git clone:: cd ~/src git clone We use `Poetry `_ for dependency management. Run:: poetry install to install all required dependencies in a Poetry managed virtual environment. Debian Member Portfolio Service needs the JQuery JavaScript library to function properly. The JQuery library is not included in the git clone and must be copied into the subdirectory :file:`debianmemberportfolio/static/javascript/jquery`. On Debian systems you can install the package libjs-jquery and place a symlink to the directory :file:`/usr/share/javascript` into :file:`debianmemberportfolio/static`: :: sudo aptitude install libjs-jquery ln -s /usr/share/javascript debianmemberportfolio/static Prepare for first startup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The Debian Member Portfolio Service uses data from the Debian keyring to get information regarding OpenPGP keys and names related to email addresses. Before you can run the service you need to fetch a copy of the keyring and prepare it for use by the code. .. note:: You need rsync and gnupg for these tasks:: sudo aptitude install rsync gnupg When you have both installed you can run:: ./ poetry run python3 debianmemberportfolio/model/ The first synchronizes the keyrings in :file:`$HOME/debian/` with files on the ` `_ host. And the second generates a key/value database in :file:`debianmemberportfolio/model/keyringcache.db` that is used by the code. Run a development server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You can run a development server using:: poetry run python3 The output of this command should look like the following:: * Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit) * Restarting with stat You can now access your development server at the URL that is printed by the command. If you want to stop the development server press :kbd:`Ctrl + C`. Common development tasks ------------------------ Add new URL ~~~~~~~~~~~ Debian Member Portfolio Service uses a ini style configuration file :file:`debianmemberportfolio/model/portfolio.ini` to configure the generated URL patterns. The actual URL generation is done in :py:func:`~debianmemberportfolio.views.urllist`. If you want to add a new URL type you have to add a line in :file:`portfolio.ini` and an entry in :py:mod:`~debianmemberportfolio.views`'s :py:attr:`~debianmemberportfolio.views._LABELS` dictionary. The top level dictionary keys correspond to sections in the ini file. The dictionary values are dictionaries themselves that contain a special key ``label`` that defines the label of the section in the output and keys for each entry to be rendered in that section. The values in these sub-dictionaries are strings marked for translation using the :py:func:`~flask_babel.lazy_gettext` function from :py:mod:`flask_babel`. The patterns in :file:`portfolio.ini` can contain the following placeholders that are filled at runtime: ================== ======================================== Placeholder Replacement ================== ======================================== %(salsausername)s user name on ``_ %(email)s email address (URL encoded) %(emailnoq)s email address %(firstchar)s first character of the email address %(forumsid)s forum user id %(openpgpfp)s OpenPGP key fingerprint %(name)s full name (i.e. John Smith) %(username)s Debian user name %(wikihomepage)s full name in camel case (i.e. JohnSmith) ================== ======================================== .. The replacement of placeholders is performed in the :py:func:`~debianmemberportfolio.views.urllist` function. And uses data from the Debian keyring. Access to the pre-parsed keyring data is performed using the :py:func:`~debianmemberportfolio.model.dddatabuilder.build_data` function of the module :py:mod:`debianmemberportfolio.model.dddatabuilder`, which uses several helper functions from :py:mod:`debianmemberportfolio.model.keyfinder` to access the key information. Update translations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To update the translations you need to include the weblate repository as git remote:: git remote add weblate git fetch --all Run the following to merge the latest translations into your local branch:: git merge weblate main To extract translations from source files use:: poetry run pybabel extract --mapping-file=mapping.cfg --output-file=messages.pot --input-dirs=. To merge translations with existing catalogs use:: poetry run pybabel update -i messages.pot -d debianmemberportfolio/translations Compile the translations to gettext's .mo format using:: poetry run pybabel compile -d debianmemberportfolio/translations